Tuesday, 3 May 2011

French Manicure with a Twist

Style your nails with regular french manicure, white paint is applied to the tips of the fingernails, and the rest of the nails are given a pink coat or painted with sheer polish that is colored either pale pink or very light beige. The French manicure is very good for short nails and nails that have a moderate length. 

To give it a twist make small white dots using a toothpick in a shape of a flower :) and there you have the very famous french manicure with a different look.

Inspired by tiger stripes:

You will need : Yellow/golden nail enamel, black nail enamel, nail hardener , nail art striping tape..

Apply a good coat of yellow nail enamel as a base coat to your entire nail. I used golden enamel as yellow was a little hard to find in my city.

You will need nail art striping tape. This comes usually with French manicure kit. You can also use medical adhesive tape by cutting it to required shape and size.

Stick the tape in an exploding V position to form the stripes.

Apply the black nail enamel on top of the V shape design.

Now that the nail is dry, slowly start peeling the strips off.

It should look something like this once you’ve removed the tape.  Follow the same procedure to all the nails.

When you have completed all of your nails. The last thing to do is to add a top coat. Use a good nail hardener so that the nail art stays for a long time.

There you're good to go.. Wild tiger stripes..

Have a happy weekend.. Try this out and let me know how it goes :)

Healthy Nail Tips

Today i would like to post a tip for healthy nails. Hope you guys find it useful. Regular use of nail polish remover changes the natural colour of your nail to a shade of yellow. To avoid the use of remover we can follow 3 simple steps.

Apply a good coat of any nail enamel (preferably a light colour) over the existing polish on your nail and leave it on for about 10 sec.

Use a cotton to wipe out the applied nail enamel

Aila!! You got your nails clean. Works just like a remover. 

Read this tip years back in a fashioin magazine. Do try it out and let me know how it goes :)

P.S: Use of dark colours like black changes the colour of your nails. To avoid that you can apply a base coat (transparent nail hardener) and then apply the dark colour over it.

First Experiment

For this week I will blog about my very first experiment on nail art which sparked my interest. I have not taken pictures of the step by step process on how I did it. I really did not think I would be blogging about it Tehehhe. But I promise the future posts would be more detailed.
As you can see this is very simple and does not require any tutorial. You just need to apply 2 coats of pink.  Once it dries completely, Using a toothpick u can make tiny white dots in the shape of a flower. There you go, your first beautiful nail art.

Hello friends,
My name is Archana and I am a software engineer. This is my very first attempt to write a blog so please excuse the flaws.

  Few days back,  when browsing I stumbled across an interesting article on nail art, and I thought to myself its easy enough for me to try. I tried out a very simple pattern and published it on my Facebook page. My friends appreciated me a lot for the effort I put in it and they asked me several questions regarding the process. So I decided to start this blog where I can document the process for future reference as well as a text for others if it helps. I know there are lots of blog dedicated to gadgets, food and other things so why not this?? However this blog will be dedicated not just to nail art but also other arts and crafts or anything creative that I will be doing or experimenting. I would appreciate it if you all give an honest opinion about the articles presented here..
Thank you :)