Sunday, 22 January 2012

Easy NailArt using Konad nail stamper

I know, I know this post is after a long due.. However lets get straight to the point.. Lately when i was browsing through ebay i came across this nail art kit and thought i would give it a try. Turns out, its easy as hell..

You will need 2 or 3 different contrasting shades of nail enamel, Nail hardener, and the konad nail art stamper , image plate. You can get it off Ebay here Costed me around Rs. 300(image plate + stamper). However the price is increased now.

Apply 2 base coats of enamel of any shade to nail.
Apply a different colour enamel (use contrasting shades) to a desired image within the image plate.

Use the scraper to wipe off the excessive nail polish from the image plate in one clean swipe, so that the enamel is left only on the design.

Quickly press the stamper onto the image plate before the enamel dries out. The image will now stick to the rubber stamper.

Now, stamp the image onto your nail with a rolling motion. The image may appear cut on your thumb as the nails are larger. You can do half nail at a time for your thumbs.

There you go, You have a beautiful leopard print on your nail. You can remove the excess enamel from your skin using some nail polish remover on a cotton bud. Gently clean around the edges of your nail.

Once you're done with all the nails, apply a top cost with a nail hardener so that the nail art lasts longer. Similar way you can mix and match lighter and darker shades and get beautiful and funky nails in mins :)

Leopard Print Nail art

Tiger Stripes